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  Haladhara Eco Farm

This is one of the most exciting aspects of the Krishna Loka Project. You can milk a cow or ride on an ox driven cart, or watch an American man and his bull plow a field. Don’t worry, the animals you see here are all protected and will never be slaughtered. How many types of the fruit, vegetable and herb plants can you identify? If you are not convinced yet, this section, with its complete detachment from modern machinery, may convince you that Krishna Loka is decades ahead of its time when it comes to sustainability.

Reception / Introduction • Natural Cottage Residences • Dairy Products
Hand Weaving • Trades • Harvest Storage • Flowers • Organic Gardens
Orchards • Grain Field • Herbs and Spices • Pastures

<< Scroll down for photos >>

Reception / Introduction   Natural Cottage Residences

Dairy Products

Hand Weaving


Harvest Storage   Flowers

Organic Gardens   Orchards

Grain Field

Cotton Field

Herbs and Spices


  2009-10 © Krishna Loka. All Rights Reserved.