Krishna Loka logo
  Click on any " Title" to learn more.
     The Promenade
1-  Shopping Center
2-  Conference Center
3-  Restaurants
4-  Wedding Rotunda & Gardens
5-  Theater
6-  Ticketing / Entrance
     Land of Vrindavan
7-  Krishna Pastimes Ride
8-  Vraja Forest
9-  Mathura's Palace
10-  Sacred Waters: Pool & Spa
11-  Govardhana Hill
     Vedic Science Land
12-  I-Max Dome Planetarium
13-  Bhaktivedanta Institute Pavilion
14-  Jai Singh Observatory
     Magnificent Temple
15-  Radha-Krishna Temple
16-  Kaliya-Krishna Fountain
17-  Gardens
18-  Food Court - Prasadam
  Vishnu Hotel
  Floating Memorial Exhibition
     Epic Journeys
19-  Ramayan
20-  Mahabharat
21-  Caitanya
22-  Prahlad
23-  Amphitheater
24-  Food Court - Prasadam
     Kana Kids Land
25-  Puppet Shows,
   Interactive Dramas,
   Musical Fun,
   Kids Cinema and
   Educational Fun Rides
     Haladhara Eco Farm
26-  Reception /
27-  Natural Cottage
28-  Dairy Products
29-  Hand Weaving
30-  Trades
31-  Harvest Storage
32-  Flowers
33-  Organic Gardens
34-  Orchards
35-  Grain Field
36-  Cotton Field
37-  Herbs and Spices
38-  Pastures
     The Village
39-  Habitat
40-  Primary to High School
41-  Rupanuga College
42-  Offices

  2009-10 © Krishna Loka. All Rights Reserved.